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Found 11860 results for any of the keywords cervical disc. Time 0.008 seconds.
What is the Mobi-C Cervical Disc?The Mobi-C Cervical Disc is an artificial cervical disc implant composed of three pieces: two end plates and a plastic insert.
Insurance Coverage | Cervical Disc Replacement Surgery | Mobi-CUse the interactive map on this page to find which insurance providers cover one- and two-level Mobi-C Cervical Disc surgery in your area. In some states, Medicare will cover Mobi-C one and two-level replacement. You can
Spine Disorders - NeurosurgerySpine Disorders Cervical Disc Prolapse / Herniation Cervical disc prolapse, also known as herniation, occurs when the gel-like center of a cervical disc pushes through its outer layer. Read more Lumbar Disc Prolapse Lumb
Patient FAQs | Mobi-C Cervical Disc | Highridge MedicalHome / Frequently Asked Questions
Cervicaldisc.comConsulting a spine specialist well versed in multiple therapies is the key to determining your best course of action. If your pain is spine-related and surgery is required, cervical disc replacement may provide superior
Jho Institute for Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery Department of NeuroeDr. Jho has developed numerous minimally invasive innovative surgical treatments for spine and brain disoders such as disc-preserving functional disc surgery, endoscopic skull base surgery through a nostril.
Artificial Disc Replacement | Spine-healthCervical artificial disc replacement surgery replaces cervical discs with artificial ones to alleviate pain and restore mobility.
Cervical Chiropractic Adjustment | Cervical Herniated Disc TreatmentChiropractic can be used to treat herniated discs and other types of pain and disc issues. Daye Chiropractic provides cervical chiropractic adjustment.
Herniated Disc | Spine-healthMany terms may be used to describe issues with a spinal disc and disc pain, and all may be used differently and, at times, interchangeably.
Keeping a Healthy Neck & Spine | Mobi-C | Highridge MedicalDisc problems can start from over-use, an accident, or just the wear and tear of everyday life.
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